A Revolutionary  trading <span class='txt-yellow'>card game</span>

A Revolutionary trading card game

Storm Warfare is a free-to-play and free-to-start collectible card game that brings the iconic battlefields of World War II to life. It blends the thrill of strategic warfare with the revolutionary power of the web3 ecosystem, where players own, sell, and trade their in-game assets and experience the unprecedented freedom of true ownership.

Meet <span class='txt-yellow'>The Factions</span>

Meet The Factions

Choose your faction, and shape the fate of the war! Build powerful decks representing the major World War II powers. Each faction - Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, and the Soviet Union - offers a unique blend of cards, features, tactics, and play styles for strategic depth and diversity.

Card Face

The Basics

The core foundation of Storm Warfare revolves around its elemental units—the cards. Every card signifies a strategic move: Attack, Defence, or Support.

Card Variables

  • Attack

    • Measures the damage inflicted on an enemy card.
  • Defence

    • Reflects the health of a card; zero results in destruction.
  • Command Points

    • Vital resources for card play and activating Commander Abilities.
    • Players commence with 1 Command Point, gaining 1 per turn.
  • Unit Type

    • Classifies cards into categories like Infantry, Tanks, etc.
  • Card Info

    • Offers insights into a card's abilities and distinctive features.
  • Level & Rarity

    • Denotes the card's level, with four tiers for unit cards.
    • Rarity gauges the card's quality and acquisition difficulty.

Understanding these card dynamics sets the stage for mastering Storm Warfare's strategic gameplay.

Battleboard Overview

Battleboard Overview

Introduction to the Game Board

The game board, known as the Battleboard, is the battlefield where players deploy their cards. It includes the Commander's class. Defense, the central element of the game, and other zones for playing cards..

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Learn The Basics

Player Hand

Your hand is your arsenal, soldier! The collection of cards within represents the weapons, tactics and resources at your disposal. Use them wisely!

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Enemy Side

Your enemy is stationed at the upper half of the battleboard. To claim your victory, you'll have to defeat the enemy’s cards and neutralize the Commander located in the main headquarters.

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This is the battlefield where all the cards come to life and interact with each other. Think of it as the stage where the magic happens.

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Command Points

Command Points are your resources. They are the strategic currency that you must allocate to your units and weapons. Think of them as little bits of magic that you can use to unlock the full potential of your cards.

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Decks & End Turn

Your deck is your war chest, filled with all the tools and assets you need to win the game. When you're ready to let your opponent take their turn, hit the "End Turn" button on the right and prepare for your next move.

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History is like the story of the game so far. Every move, every card played and every triumph is recorded for posterity.

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Learn The Basics

The Commander

The Commander is the star of the show! It represents you in the game and is the leader of your forces. Do your best to protect your Commander or you lose the game.

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Learn The Basics


The weapon is the Commander's trusty ally and the symbol of his prowess. Each class has its own unique weapon which becomes more powerful with each victory. Weapon cards in the game allow the Commander to defend himself or wreak havoc on the enemy.

Learn The Basics

Learn The Basics

Commander Ability

Commander Ability is the hero power that makes your Commander truly unique. Each Commander has their own special ability that varies depending on the Commander's class. Use them to gain an advantage and turn the tide of the battle!

Card Types

There are four types of cards: Units, Events, Weapons, and Hero Cards. Cards can be obtained from packs, from other players through the Marketplace, and as rewards from Tournaments and other Events. After a certain time, some cards will no longer be available from packs or rewards, and will only be sold in limited quantities by other players that have acquired them previously through the Marketplace.

Using a wide variety of cards is essential to grasp victory. Saving the correct cards for the right moment and keeping single-use Event cards to play them when they would be most destructive to the enemy are all parts of the cunning strategy and tactics expected from Storm Warfare players.

Unit Cards

Unit Cards

Unit cards are cards with Attack and Defense values. They can use their Attack value to damage enemy Commanders or unit cards. Unit cards may have abilities that go into effect when they are used. These abilities are either explained through keywords or unique ability texts.

Event Cards

Event Cards

Event cards are cards with one-time effects that perform a specific action when played on the field. Event cards do not have Defense or Attack values and they expire after being used.

Hero Cards

Hero Cards

Hero cards have a different visual style from unit cards and do not have Attack values. Hero cards will have multiple abilities that can activate based on the remaining Command Points when a player's turn ends.

Weapon Cards

Weapon Cards

Weapon cards allow Commanders to surprise attack enemies to deal the last point of damage or have a unique effect on the battlefield to turn the course of the game dramatically.

Standard Card Abilities

Keywords on cards give them certain properties and abilities. The purpose of keywords is to allow cards to be easily recognized by their abilities and to create familiarity when a new card is introduced. Cards with abilities that do not fit into predefined keywords can have unique abilities that are detailed and explained on the cards themselves.

The current keywords and effects a unit card can have are given in detail below:

General Keywords

Advantage deals damage first when attacking and takes no damage if the defending unit is destroyed.
Storm can attack twice per turn.
Death Toll
Death Toll performs a special action when destroyed.
Final Stand
Final Stand survives lethal damage once with 1 Defense.
Smoke Cover
Smoke Cover can't be attacked by enemy units until it attacks.
Fortress: Enemies must attack this unit before they can attack anything else..
Thunder can attack units immediately.
Protected can't be attacked or damaged.
Pin gives "Pinned" status upon an enemy unit, preventing it from attacking on its next turn.
Artillery # deals one damage to a random enemy # times at the end of the turn.
Deploy performs a special action upon entering the battlefield.

Faction-Specific Keywords

Vanguard (USA Exclusive)
Vanguard (USA Exclusive):
Performs a special action when attacking first.
Blitz (Germany Exclusive)
Blitz (Germany Exclusive):
Can attack enemies immediately.
Intel (United Kingdom Exclusive)
Intel (United Kingdom Exclusive):
Reduces the CP cost of a random card in the hand by 1 when attacking.
Bushido (Japan Exclusive)
Bushido (Japan Exclusive):
Immune to all negative effects.
Motherland (Soviet Union Exclusive)
Motherland (Soviet Union Exclusive):
Performs a special action when your Commander is dealt damage.

Commander Classes and Abilities

Commanders are the heart and soul of your army. Hailing from the major World War II powers, they each specialize in a specific Class: Infantry, Tank, Aircraft, Navy, or Support.

These Commander Classes define your strategic options. Each class boasts a unique Ability that synergizes perfectly with specific card types and tactics. And remarkably, you can unleash the full force of these game-changing Abilities for just 2 Command Points.

Infantry Class

Infantry Class

Mobilize: Call in a 1/1 Infantry Squad.
Navy Class

Navy Class

Bombardment: Deal 2 Damage to a unit.
Tank Class

Tank Class

Offensive: Give +2 Attack to a random friendly unit this turn.
Support Class

Support Class

Resupply: Give +1 Defense to a friendly unit and remove negative statuses from it.
Aircraft Class

Aircraft Class

Rearm: Give +1 Attack to a friendly unit, give +1/+1 instead if it is an Aircraft.